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"devloping life skills through faith"
2024 Giving Challenge and Presidential Matches
Donate and get up to $200 in matched funds from noon April 9 to noon April 10
• Donate $25 - $200 online between noon on Tuesday April 9 and Wednesday April 10 and get a   one to-one match. The first $100 will be automatically matched by the Patterson Foundation and the   second $100 will be automatically matched by Don Pratt’s Presidential Challenge.
• You must use a credit or debit card.
• You must donate online. Call us at 941.799.4975 and we can assist you if you do not have a computer   or computer access.
• You must donate between noon on Tuesday, April 9 and noon on Wednesday, April 10.

• A $25 gift will be matched with $25 from the Patterson Foundation for a total of $50.
• An $125 gift will be matched with $100 from the Patterson Foundation and $25 from the Presidential   Challenge for a total of $250.
• A $200 gift will be matched with $100 from the Patterson Foundation for $100 and $100 from the   Presidential Challenge for a total of $400.
• A $500 gift will be matched with $100 from the Patterson Foundation and $100 from the Presidential   Challenge for a total of $700.